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Budgeting for Beginners: A Guide to Assessing Goals, Budgeting Rules and Expense Planning

Budgeting is an essential skill a beginner can have. Being equipped with proper budgeting skills will lower stress levels and will make you smile with less stress. Creating a spreadsheet or tracking expenses through an app will help you take control of your spending habits. When I was younger, I did not know, nor did I care about tracking each of my expenses. My spending habits were out of control. I would spend money on countless items such as clothes, courses I would never use again, and eating out impulsively. Guess what? I learned the HARD way!

The App You Need to Budget During a Crisis

Millions of Americans woke up to a nightmare when they woke up to a global health pandemic and financial crisis. Overnight, hundreds of thousands of American workers were either furloughed or laid off entirely because of the looming threat of the invisible enemy, COVID-19. What's worse is that this crisis has exposed that many Americans were simply living off borrowed time financially, meaning that they had little to no savings or investments to prepare for an emergency like the one we are facing.

A Few Ideas to Help You Save an Extra $100 Every Month

Imagine your current budget. Now add an extra hundred dollars per month. It's nice, right?    And while it is easy to imagine how to spend the money, sometimes it can be a challenge to dream up ways to make it happen. So let's take a look at a few ways that you create some extra wiggle room in your monthly budget.